Friday, November 29, 2019

The Conception That Lesbians And Gay Men May Be Parents Is Frequently

The conception that lesbians and gay men may be parents is frequently perceived in today's society as impossible or immoral. Gay men and lesbians are often viewed as excluded from having children because sexual reproduction is related to men and women only. My approach to this uniquely controversial topic of gay parenting will be that of attempting to analyze the Pro side first. Gays and lesbians are human too and who is to say that they don't deserve equal rights in society. Society has to realize that the modern family has developed into many different forms in recent years in that the "nuclear family" is not necessarily the most common form anymore. Then I will attempt to analyze the Con side which expresses the fact that two people of the same sex should not be raising and rearing children together. Many believe that if the couple is unable to produce children together, then they shouldn't be raising them as parents. Children need a balance in their lives and different sexed parents can provide that balance efficiently. Each parent (mom or dad) socializes the child differently and the child needs to be introduced to both worlds. I will then proceed to critique both sides on strengths and weaknesses, based on facts, studies, and my own opinion, and then draw some of my own conclusions on this controversial topic of Gay Parenting. Pro Position There is no valid reason for refusing to call lesbian and gay headed household families. They fall under every conceivable criterion for identifying families and the concept of a Family. "They are groups of coresident kin providing jointly through income-pooling for eachothers need of food and shelter. They socialize children, engage in emotional and physical support, and make up part of a larger kin network". (O' Brien and Weir, 128). There are also many homophobic ( the irrational fear or hatred of homosexuality or gay people, Biery 88) individuals in today's society who are the main cause of negative stereotypes against lesbians and gay parents. These negative stereotypes all prove to be untrue and irrational, revealing that gay and lesbian parents could be equally as fit to straight parents. The accusation that majority of gay men are child molesters has been rejected in that the overwhelming majority of child sexual abusers area heterosexual men, who abuse both boys and girls. The fear that children of lesbian and gay parents will become lesbian or gay is irrational in that studies show that the sexual orientation of the parents has no effect whatsoever on sexual orientation of youths. The concern that the children of gay and lesbian headed families will not develop so called appropriate gender identity or gender behaviour has been introduced. This was proved incorrect in that when comparing children of gay parents to children of straight parents, there was no significant difference in these two areas. The last stereotype involving the fear that emotional damage will effect the child due to coping with the issue of having lesbian or gay parents. Once again this was proved to be false and the general psychological well being of children in gay and lesbian households matches that of children of heterosexual parent households. (O' Brien and Weir, 129). These common stereotypes heard frequently in today's society have all been proved incorrect and ignorant. Therefore they illustrate that gay and lesbian parents are continually stereotyped against unfairly and unjustly. Lesbians and gay men are popularly and commonly thought of by society to have a negative influence on children. This places an enormous strain and great pressure on lesbian and gay headed families, which is totally unnecessary. "When we assume male-headed nuclear families to be central units of kinship, and all alternative patterns to be extensions or exceptions, we accept as aspect of cultural hegemony instead of studying it. In the process, we miss the contested domain in which symbolic innovation may occur. Even continuity may be the result of innovation". (Weston, 145). This is a very powerful statement in that it reinforces the argument that lesbian and gay families are overlooked in society as even being a family unit. Society must come to realize that every family, not just gay headed families, experience problems in their homes. An article which depicts some

Monday, November 25, 2019

Organizational Technology Integration Evaluation Model Essay Example

Organizational Technology Integration Evaluation Model Essay Example Organizational Technology Integration Evaluation Model Essay Organizational Technology Integration Evaluation Model Essay Organizational Technology Integration Evaluation Model Leopold E. Madrigal University of Phoenix An organizational technology integration model will be proposed using a specific case in the automotive industry, one that took place in 1998. A consideration to be noted is the potential that the proposed model could had been used successfully at the time of the presented cases implementation as it may be used today in any situation to assess technology efficiency. Antecedents The problems the United States auto industry had during the late sys and sys ere the lack of discipline, high absenteeism rates, and low morale among employees, all of which resulted in inefficiencies and low quality products. Even with lesser quality, the (MM) Fremont plant averaged 34 man-hours of labor per automobile, versus only 20 at Toyota (Redder, Henry, Smith, 1985, p. 36). The implementation of new technologies in the American automotive industry, such as lean manufacturing principles, self-directed teams, quality circles, and flexible operations required that employees and their unions were aligned and committed with this new direction. The results in organizations implementing new technologies in which stakeholders bought in were as expected and manufacturing productivity as well as products quality improved. Product quality and production efficiency augmented as a result of implementing new technologies and new manufacturing approaches, as in example: Lean manufacturing, quality circles, self-directed work than several of Gems newer plants. Plans are to reach an annulled 200,000 units in 1986 with a work force of 2,500 a level which rivals Japanese productivity (Redder teal. , 1985, p. 38). International Truck Engine Company In 1996 International Truck Engine Company was evaluating the implementation of new technologies to improve its manufacturing efficiency. One of the new technology approaches considered was the implementation of an enterprise resource planning system. Firms around the world have been implementing enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems since the asses to have an uniform information system in their respective organizations and to reengineering their business processes (Philippians, 2002, p. 87). For this new project other technologies were considered besides the ERP system implementation. The automotive industry in America was adopting lean manufacturing principles driven by the success of the Toyota Production System (TAPS) that was first implemented in America in 1985 at the ANNUM plant in California. Toasts extraordinary success is indisputable, and the TAPS has been a major element in its increasing status in the world automotive industry (New, 2007, p. 3546). As part of the lean manufacturing initiatives the objective of a new organizational design that empowered employees and promoted teamwork in self- directed work groups was set in motion. Our major finding is that highly empowered teams are more effective than less empowered teams (Kirkland Russell, 1999, p. 69). This initiative represented a new approach to an organization that was very conservative in their management of shop-floor operations. It was also decided that a new facility would be designed and built in accordance to lean manufacturing principles, as in example modular assemblies should flow directly to the point of application in production sequence. The new facility would be installed in Mexico, in an effort to lower production costs, many U. S. Rims manufacture products offshore in countries with low labor costs (Oldenburg, Roman, Treaty, 2007, p. 423). The challenge Beyond the imminent challenge that an experienced team of people would find while setting up a new manufacturing facility the additional requirement to implement new technologies compounded the complexity. The new technologies to be implemented consisted of new technical designs for manufacturing, new conceptual designs for manufacturing processes while using lean manufacturing initiatives, new management practices such as self-directed work groups, and a new ERP system implementation. Lean manufacturing based on the Toyota production system (TAPS) changed the final assembly into a mixed model final assembly system to level the demand on their suppliers, converted the linear subassembly lines into U-shaped subassembly cells and redesigned the Job shop into manufacturing cells. Final assembly operates with a take time, and the cells are designed to have a cycle time slightly less than the take time and to operate on a make one, check one, and move one on'(MO-CO-MOO The task consisted of planning the implementation strategy, building a new facility n a foreign country using lean manufacturing principles, selecting and hiring the leadership team for the new facility, implementing a new ERP system for the organization, and capable to start production of trucks being built at other facilities to alleviate some of the capacity restrictions while reducing the manufacturing cost. In summary, there were three major areas in which the implementation team had to be focused: 1) the manufacturing system, 2) the human integration to the new manufacturing design or the socio-technical system, and 3) the ERP system as an enabling technology. While working on the design and implementation of the manufacturing system the implementation team had to take into consideration that the manufacturing system is the beating heart of any manufacturing company. The manufacturing system is defined as a complex arrangement of physical elements characterized by measurable parameters (Black, 2007, p. 3643). The socio-technical system included the design and implementation of self-directed work groups and a multi-task development program tie to a payment structure, the people who work in a manufacturing system are the internal customers, and the system must be signed to satisfy their needs. At the same time, the manufacturing system must produce products that satisfy the needs of the external customers (Black, 2007, p. 643). The ERP system implementation was viewed as an enabling technology to enhance performance. ERP systems consist of a number of functional modules such as materials management, production planning, sales and distribution, human resources, and financial accounting. In order to serve the needs of a wide range of companies with different characteristics, ERP systems in general, and these modules n particular, are built on the bes t practices, which represent the most cost-effective and efficient ways of performing business processes (Sackbut Submarine, 2006, p. 7). There was an advantage in the way the organization decided to take on this challenge as it was to be set up in a new facility with new management and new people, with it some of the change management issues could be diminished. Change management is primarily a human resource management issue. This is because implementing new procedures, technologies, and overcoming resistance to change are fundamentally people issues (Banal, 2009, p. 36). The deliverables Any organization that decides to invest in technology does it because there is an expectation about the future state of the business and how that technology, once successfully implemented and performing will be fit to meet the future organizational needs and those of customers and stakeholders. Technological innovation is an important source of value creation. The application of knowledge to human activity allows for the more efficient production of existing products and services (Shame, 2009, p. 7). The expectations the organization had from the new technologies implementation ere: 1) To increase in 120 units per day the medium duty truck assembly capacity, 2) To increase in 60 units per day the heavy duty assembly capacity, 3) To reduce the man-hours per truck by 10%, 4) To reduce the cost of direct labor by 70%, 5) To implement an ERP system integrating information from all performance and assemblies), 7) To limit online stocking areas by designing narrow aisles along the assembly lines, 8) To implement quality circles and multi-ability development programs for people, and 9) To increase the quality of the product by minimizing the end-of-line defects-per-truck. The expectations regarding the soft systems technologies, those related to the people, were that each person should go through a specific training program to be certified to perform all operations of at least three assembly stations. The belief was that a certified person should be able to perform without incurring in mistakes while working at line speed (take time). The lean system is designed to produce superior quality products. Toyota believed in company-wide total quality control and therefore taught it to everyone, from the company president down to every production worker. They were able to hang from a company that made Junk to one that could give customers products of high reliability (Black, 2007, p. 3644). The ERP system implementation represented another piece of the technology improvements and even though no clear measures of success were established there were some beliefs about the outcome. Typical benefits of ERP systems commonly cited in the literature include, but are not limited to, inventory and lead time reductions, improved on-time deliveries, reduced operating costs, enhanced customer relationships (Hit et al. 2002) and improved decision making (Sackbut Submarine, 2006, p. 49). The situation By March 1998 the new facility had initiated operations although on a limited basis. Only one of two assembly lines was ready to assemble trucks, the other assembly line, the cab fabrication, and pain t areas were being conditioned for production. The materials flow design and the use of Kanata and assembly modules were in place. The new personal seemed to be comfortable with the processes, procedures, tools, and systems at their use. The ERP system was already set in production environment. The organization was concerned about the situation at the new assembly plant. Millions of dollars were committed and expended to increase the corporations production capacity, improving production efficiency and product quality, while reducing manufacturing costs. Unfortunately, that was not the case. The situation was that trucks were getting at the end of the assembly line with missing parts, the required materials were not available at the plant much less at the point of use. The production ramp-up plan had to be aborted and redesigned to reduce the compounding problem of assembling incomplete trucks to be reworked at the truck storage area. The root causes of the problem at hand were not easy to identify as there were many variables unknown to manufacturing experts at other assembly plants. The organization was dealing with a new manufacturing facility, with a new operational philosophy based on lean manufacturing, with new processes, new tools, new systems, new inexperienced people, and in a foreign country with a different language. Problem definition and purpose statement In summary, the problem at hand was that the new assembly facility was incapable of producing five trucks a day without missing some components, the missing quest planning (MR..). In consequence the trucks presented many defects at the end of the assembly line making undesirable to ramp up production to the expected 30 units per day planned to be produced by April 1998. Without the opportunity to build clean trucks it was difficult to assess the improvements in the man-hours per truck or any manufacturing costs reductions. Moreover, the new installed capacity was theoretical as given the high number of missing components there was no opportunity to test the assembly line at top line speed. The purpose while inducting an assessment of effectiveness of technology implementation would be to test each of the different technologies implemented at the new assembly facility from the planning and designing stages throughout the pre-production and implementation stages. Once those tests were completed an integration test between the different technologies would need to be carried out. Finally, the total system would be tested. At this point the data gathered at different performance levels may provide evidence to validate the new technologies as fit or no fit to meet the deliverables defined in the new facility original concept. Any discrepancies found during any of the unit, integration, or system tests would provide information to be analyzed to evaluate a design change, include additional capabilities, or modify the expectations about the outcomes. Assessing the effectiveness of technology implementation At that time the situation was reviewed using some approaches from the general systems theory (SST), meaning that the desired state of the system was defined and contrasted against the current state of the system. General systems theory is, as emphasized, a model of certain general aspects of reality. But it is also a way of seeing things which were previously overlooked or by-passed, and in this sense is a methodological maxim (Bertelsmann, 1972, p. 424). The tool to assess the effectiveness of technology implementation to be proposed in this paper was not the one used at the time the described situation was taking place although the addition of the SST as a design and performance validation tool will be included . The new facility contained different technologies. The result being sought was the resultant of each of those technologies individually performing as planned. Then hose technologies would be tested interacting with other technologies while performing flawlessly, and delivering as expected as an integrated system. Banal (2009) suggested three different stages of testing: 1) Unit testing, 2) Integration testing, and 3) system testing. The proposed methodology would include those three stages. The different technology components may be tested using Thompson (2003) assessment table that described that the assessment is a function of crystallized or ambiguous standards of desirability and the degree of completeness of beliefs about cause/effect knowledge (University of Phoenix, 2012). This approach is also supported by some management problem solving tools as the one presented by Tennyson Isis (2011) who stated that an effective performance improvement approach must start by identifying a performance problem and then finding ways of solving that problem. Thompson assessment techniques are similar to the initial step in the systemic problem solving approach by defining the desired state of the system and its desired output (standards of desirability) and contrast it against the complement this app roach and discover the root causes of the problem one has to e prompt to ask the reasons and purposes behind systems design decisions by using a V model life cycle test. In an ideal technology implementation a V model life cycle test should be used. The V model requires that each deliverable be verified in an attempt to identify defects as early as possible and to ensure that specifications are complete and correct. The model specifies that activities in one stage must be completed before moving on to the next stage (Banal, 2009, p. 274). The stages included in the V model life cycle are: 1) defining reasons for testing, 2) acknowledging structure jesting, 3) testing and verification at the design stage, 4) testing within a system implementation, and 5) testing with a system maintenance environment (Banal, 2009). The next diagram shows Thompson (2003) technology assessment table: Beliefs about Cause/Effect Knowledge Standards of Desirability Complete Uncertainty Crystallized Efficiency test Desired state is achieved Ambiguous Extrinsic Measures Organizational rationality In summary, the proposed methodology flows as presented in the next table: Unit Interrelation System System Ideal state Technology component Define performance at ideal state Define performance as designed System Current state Technology components Define performance at testing stage Defining reasons for testing Understanding structured testing Testing and verification at the design stage Testing within a system implementation Testing with a system maintenance environment Each of the different technology components needs to be defined in terms of performance as by design and evaluated during the V model life cycle (bottom part of the table) as a unit, after that as an interactive technology, and finally as part of a system (moving toward the right side on the table). Each test result needs to be confronted objectively to the ideal state, as per design, so whenever possible specific and objective goals must be defined to assess the current performance of each unit, their integrations, and as a total system against the desired performance. At this point Thompson assessment table can be used to evaluate the different stages according to the following premis es: When standards of desirability are crystallized and beliefs are complete, efficiency is the desired meaner of assessment. When standards are crystallized and beliefs are incomplete, assessment of effectiveness is y achieving a desired state. When standards are ambiguous, but beliefs are complete, extrinsic measures such as someone elses opinion is used. Finally, when standards are ambiguous and beliefs are in complete, then a predetermined organizational measure is used (University of Phoenix, 2012). It is important to notice that the success of any assessment methodology depends in a good definition of the expected outcomes of a technology implementation. Those outcomes need to be validated at the designing stage to clarify if such technology implementation is capable of providing them. Then as the implementation moves from design into integration of technologies, it is tested in different pre-production environments, these validation need to be performed against objective measurements or against expectations with solid foundations of attainability. Conclusions The proposed technology implementation effectiveness assessment tool would be appropriate to any technology implementation situation. As stated earlier a key component of the success of the assessment resides in a clear and objective definition of what is expected from the implementation. The definition of performance parameters at the design phase will provide an objective guidance while performing the assessment assuming that those parameters are within the technology capabilities. The technology implementation described in this paper was resolved by September 1999. Each of the different units and components of technology implemented were analyzed and tested. Their different interrelations with other technology components were also evaluated and tested, on a one-to-one basis as well as combining three or more different technologies as required by design. It was one of those interrelations the one that was not performing as it was substitution module, residing in external software, was not providing the information into the new facility ERP system. New components for trucks were not available to the ERRS MR.. System and in consequence were not being scheduled in the production plan or in the materials releases to be sent out to suppliers.

Friday, November 22, 2019

What did you learn about yourself from the Discovery Wheel and Develop Essay

What did you learn about yourself from the Discovery Wheel and Develop Your Multiple Intelligences exercises in the text How might you use this information in your Learning Team - Essay Example In terms of Developing Multiple Intelligences, I found the possible characteristics pertaining to types of intelligence that focus on writing letters, making careful plans, enjoying books, working with one’s hands, singing, using journals, taking leadership positions as being manifested. The learning strategies that I realized that are associated with these characteristics are: writing notes, analyzing tasks, drawing or visualizing alleviating wandering, engaging in hands-on activities, playing music during breaks, keeping journals and sharing topics learned as prominent. All these information would enhance one’s learning in terms of identifying areas where one’s strengths could be capitalized and addressing the identified weaknesses to improve on skills that would ensure the achievement of both personal and professional goals. One discovered that through using skills in notes taking, academic performance could be improved as one would apply this skill in improving reading and in evaluating which financial aspects could be developed. The multiple intelligence exercises assisted in determining which possible career paths are closely linked to one’s characteristics and strategies. This would guide me in streamlining potential employment opportunities and in focusing on the most

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Risk Management Assessment Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Risk Management Assessment Summary - Essay Example Tatum (2011) notes that â€Å"Risk management is a logical process or approach that seeks to eliminate or at least minimize the level of risk associated with a business operation.† In the health sector, there are a couple of risks that can be pointed out off hand. Miller (2011) quotes the Joint Commission in-charge of the certification of healthcare organizations in the United States. The commission identifies types of risks in the healthcare industry and also defines risk management in the health care industry as â€Å"clinical and administrative activities undertaken to identify, evaluate, and reduce the risk of injury to patients, staff, and visitors and the risk of loss to the organization itself." In relation to the target set by the hospital, undertaking risk management at Trinity Hospital would therefore mean taking steps to identify all possible risks, while putting in place structures to critically evaluate the risks and coming out with prompt solutions on how to red uce the effect of the risks. At Trinity Hospital, three common risks can be pointed to. These risks have been with the hospital for long and needs to be curtailed if the hospital is really keen with achieving its set target of improving healthcare delivery and increasing number of patients it attends to. The three risks are deaths during medical operation, employee turnover and financial meltdown. These three risks are transversal meaning they cut across all spheres of the hospital’s management. It is not one sided but then has to do with the activities and roles played by almost every employee and management member of the hospital. The risk of deaths during medical operations affects the organizations badly in the sense that it gives a very bad image of the hospital in the sight of the public, seeking for improved healthcare. In the hospital’s bid to reach out to more patients in the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Polarize Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Polarize - Essay Example Since the waves are travelling in all sorts of planes, the light from the sun is then definitely not polarized. Similarly the sky appears blue because of the scattering of different wavelengths of lights in all directions; however blue light is the one that is most highly scattered. This light is also not polarized. The third scenario of blue light being reflected from a surface is a bit complicated. Whether the reflected light is polarized or not depends on the angle of incidence. If the angle of incidence is the Brewster angle, then the reflected light would be polarized otherwise it would be partially polarized. Polarized glasses have a wide variety of uses. They are sometimes used in combination with sunglasses in order to reduce glare. They are also used by people who travel on water or by fishermen in order to polarize the light that is reflected from the surface of the water to allow a better view of inside the water. Recently Polarized glasses have also found their use in the 3d glasses where they are used by the viewers to watch 3d

Saturday, November 16, 2019

A Marketing Plan For Etihad

A Marketing Plan For Etihad The report presented here is a marketing plan for Etihad which is planning to launch an airline service in India, one of its Asian destinations in Business and First class segment. The potential of India for Etihads new destination in Asia is because of its biggest and fasted growing Middle class. The country and over a billion people living in her and most of them belongs to middle class. This also raised the purchasing power of the people here and too the need of luxury. The country has over 70 domestic Airports and nearly 12 International Airport. Indian aviation market has a number of domestic players. These include Indigo Airline, Jet Airways, Spice Jet, Air India, Cathy Pacific, Kingfisher, British Airways etc. Talking about the business class segment, only few players like Kingfisher, Indian airlines are there from domestic side and rest all are foreign players. The competition in luxury segment is less as compared to low cost service. One dimension in which Etihad can give a great image to its service/ brand is by establishing itself as a luxury brand. For distribution strategy, the firm can utilize any of the existing channels in India as they provide services as a third party to all airlines. Other aspect include tie-ups with corporate so that a minimum customer base can be assured. Talking about the promotional strategy, the promotional techniques suggested includes voice call, newsletter and participating in social functions etc. The estimated budget for the plan is 35.5 million US $. Current Market Situation: Introduction: Asian aviation market is very competitive. The number of players in Asia includes more than 50 domestic and international players. The dominant players in Asian aviation sector are Air Asia, Singapore Airlines, Thai Airlines and foreign players include French airways, British airways and Cathy Pacific airlines. A number of Airlines from UAE too have presence in Asia which include Air Arabia, Emirates Airways and similar. The potential of the market is huge. Asia includes China and India which are the biggest economies in the world in terms of economic growth. Out of the potential destination for Etihad in Asia, we have chosen India; the study will focus on Indias market only. (Avaition, 2010) Market Description India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. The potential of India for Etihads new destination in Asia is because of its biggest and fasted growing Middle class. The country and over a billion people living in her and most of them belongs to middle class. This also raised the purchasing power of the people here and too the need of luxury. The country has over 70 domestic Airports and nearly 12 International Airport. The facilities here are not equal to the world standard but the economy is rapidly expanding and the needs are getting higher too. All these points favor India as an attractive destination for Etihads new market in Asia. Talking about first class and business class segment of India, the growing population and high earning of people provide enough customer bases for the market. The target Market for Etihad will be people of annual income over Rs. 10 lacks. In India, around 7% of the total population falls in this category as considering the size of population in the country, 7% gives a huge customer base for first and business class segment. The market requires following benefits from Business class flights. The below is the table which shows the benefits of product Feature Benefit Extremely comfortable seats, more space Business class is meant for comfort and thus these seats and extra space will add to the comfort. Delicious food As the business class segment people are travelling paying high prices, they expect high quality food too. Comparative low cost Indians do not like to spend much and thus the cost of travelling should not be high. The future prediction about India is as follows: US$ 32 billion+ for developing and maintain the airport infrastructure in the country Passenger traffic for different types of sectors is estimated to grow over an estimated CAGR of over 14% in the arriving few years. A huge amount of 110 billion dollars investments is foreseen in next 10 years The Civil Aviation would grip around 280 million travelers by the year 2020 (India G. , 2010) Product Review Product line: The product we are concerned here is business and first class segment. This segment is used by people of high earning group. The segment requires high quality of services, extremely comfortable seats, more space and other luxury facilities as are provided in expensive hotels. Type of customers and market: The customers of the products are business executives and high earning families who can afford heavy ticket price. As our selected destination in India, the product must be looked as Indian perception. In India, the per capita income is increasing but the concern is its still not comparable to that of European or Middle East. So, if Etihad wants to launch first and business class services in India, the cost of the product must be kept low. If we look at the competitors product in the segment concerned, we will find that competitors service is not at all comparable to that of other first class services in the world. This shows that one aspect where Etihad can exploit an advantage is to provide luxury at the same of comparable price. Services: The service is needed to be served with tasty food and this must be insuring that veg. and non-veg, food are cooked separately. The customers also want less time travel between destinations. Also, internet connectivity and entertainment sources like small TV screens should also be provided. Competitive Review Indian aviation market has a number of domestic players. These include Indigo Airline, Jet Airways, Spice Jet, Air India, Cathy Pacific, Kingfisher, British Airways etc. Talking about the business class segment, only few players like Kingfisher, Indian airlines are there from domestic side and rest all are foreign players. The foreign players involved first class and business class segment include Cathy Pacific, French Airways, Singapore Airways etc. Till now, these airlines capture most of the customer segment of first class. Talking about competitors in AD to India route, airlines such as Air India, Paramount Airways are there. Etihad too have a run on this route with other operators like Air Arabia. The carriers here are few and this will encourage the business idea for Etihad as well. (India M. o., 2010) The key stragey of Indian airlines in business segment is less cost in business segment. Talking about French Airways, Singapore Airways and other foreign players in the segment, their key strategy is providing great hospitality experience in business class segment. Channels review Channels for any firms (distribution channels) are critical to its success. Marketing channels include logistics and other mode for moving goods in and out of the firm. In context of the first class business we are concerned; channels in India are well formed and structured. There are number of providers like Jet airways, Spice Jet, Indigo airlines etc which work on sharing of distribution channels. In such sharing, the distribution channel in a separate entity different from the business. It can be looked as a third party service provider which provides the service to the airlines. Only Air India is the one which has its own service channels but the performance of its service is not up to the mark. Talking about these channels individually, Jet airways provide very time efficient logistics. Air Indias distribution channel is vast and has more services but is not reliable in terms of consistency. So, for Eithid, the firm can utilize any of the existing channels which are been used by Jet or other airway. As these channels are experienced in the business, the airline may not have to worry for receiving comparable channel services as that of Indian competitors. SWOT analysis The analysis is carried out in terms of strength of Etihad airline keeping in mind its plan to enter the business class services in India. Strength Strong brand image in luxury sector on the global scale, so will be able to attract the Indian First class customers too. Experience in maintaining regular communication with customers. This will help in maintain customer base for first and business class. Increasing hold on luxury segment in other Asian destinations too. Four of the globes longest continuous commercial flights, these continuous flights will advantage in business class segment as they take less time to travel between destinations. A large fleet of planes including the new Airbus 380, these planes have a good image in terms of providing comfort essential for business class. (Avaition, 2010) With the increasing infrastructure, high regional GDP (Indian) and a huge demand in various regions, providing First class services will prove a new unexplored market. Weakness: The market we are concerned about has a specific segment to focus on. The First class segment requires heavy initial investment and thus entering directly to first class segment would be a risky business. Less growth in business class in Indian aviation industry. Limited desired costumer volume in the segment. Most of the earnings are coming from a single segment Hold on economical class and cargo facility market is not that good Opportunities: In India, most of flights between destinations are two long. The airlines here, to reduce cost extend the routine route to cover more number of destinations. But the people who fly from business class are worried about time (as they are already spending high on ticket price). So an opportunity exists in terms of attracting business class customers by operating on direct routes. (Airways, 2010) India has a number of low cost airlines. Etihad, to reduce business risk and overtake any one of them and convert to first class services. Exploit Indian presence to explore new hubs like Russia and South-East Asia-Pacific in business class segment. Present destinations can be increased. The Airline can start service to other Indian destinations too like Madras, Kolkata etc. Boeing and Airbus has reduced the cost of the aircrafts Threats: The other reason of threat for Etihad is that all the newly merging airline companies are in a spree to capture the market by making a strong reputation. Once they come up with price fares lesser than Etihad then even the best of advertising would fail. Constant increase in number of aviation services in business class segment. Economic crises and sadness in Indian aviation market because of high debt. This has hammered the volume of people travelling from business class. The aviation ministry and put an upper limit on fairs and is constantly increasing rules and regulations to restructure the industry. Objectives and issues The objective here is to construct a marketing plan for Etihad to enter a new destination in Asia (which is selected as India) while considering the launch of First class and business class service by the company. The key issues (measureable) are: Increasing the market hold to at least 10% (business class segment) Based on the responses of the customers on initial routes of the company, to start operations on other routes too Increasing service and facilities in the business class segment. Marketing Strategy Positioning Positioning statement: Feel the luxury As identifies from market analysis, people of India for their business class travel, desire for extremely luxury services. So the positioning is targeted on luxury only. Taking into account the huge competition in the market for different airline companies in India, for example Cathy pacific, British airways, Singapore Airlines etc, there have to be something that has a unique image about the brand. One dimension in which Etihad can give a great image to its service/ brand is by establishing itself as a luxury brand. The Company to be positioned in the market will be done as an innovator in hospitality hemisphere. Thus in rapid developing and competitive Indian aviation sector, this innovator image will benefit in long run as India is growing and too the luxury need of the people here. Individuality and image require being eminent. Individuality is the way a corporation aims to identify or place itself or its manufactured goods. Image is the technique the community perceives the corp oration or its goods. An effectual individuality does three things: It sets up the products nature and worth proposal. It expresses this nature in a characteristic mode. It brings touching authority further than a psychological image. The individuality we are talking about, Etihad can address this concern by benchmarking the luxury in business class. For the individuality to labor, it must be expressed through every obtainable message means of transportation and product get in touch with. The company should show in every aspect of work that it cares for the passengers time and is pioneer and experienced in proving high end flight services. (Avaition, 2010) Product Strategy First concern here is to aim the service. Etihad here is concerned only on the Business and first class segment, so according to the traditional model shown below; the company should focus on higher ends passengers who fall in high earning group. Another thing is degree or quality of the service. Etihad want to enter in First class segment which falls in most facilitated level of product development as explained by Kotler. Kotler defined the development of a product in following manner. If we talk about the economy class, that falls in core product but first class and business class are included in augmented product segment. But there is a potential drawback in directly attacking the augmented product, the heavy cost of product building and then risk of non-acceptance by the market. One strategy that Etihad can make out and choose suitable new features by examination of new purchasers and then manipulative customer value versus company cost for each possible feature. The corporation should also think how many public want every feature, how time-consuming it would get to bring in every feature, and whether contestant could with no trouble duplicate the feature. Corporation must also believe in terms of feature bundles or correspondence. Auto companionship often produces cars at more than a few trim levels. This lowers developed and record costs. Every corporation must make a decision whether to present feature customization at a superior price or a few normal corresp ondences at an inferior price. (Avaition, 2010) Distribution Strategy Channel for the company is not going to be new in India. As we stated earlier too that there are separate entities that provides services to airline companies in India, Etihad too can take distribution services from any of these services. Another suggestion is to construct own ticket selling units so that a differentiation in terms of customer attraction. The way suggested is a level two distribution channel which looks like as follows: Consumer Retailer Wholesaler Manufacturer By following this model, the service information can be gained by an individual through the information available on the companys website and also by contacting any of the local retailers. The service can be ordered through the online booking and the payment can be made through credit or debit card, in this case the product will be delivered to the home of customer. Channel Involved in distribution: Two channels are there for this product: Wholesaler: One wholesaler is there for one state. In the case of no wholesaler in particular sate than two sates is handled by single wholesaler. Wholesaler will look after all the retailers under its domain. Retailer: Retailers are located in prime cities of the state and they will be direct contacting the single wholesaler of that particular state. Out of the various retail store some stores would be discount store. (India G. , 2010) Marketing communication or promotional strategy Integrated market communication stands for communicating rather making stakeholders believe that product is really reliable and will lead for a better profit for these stakeholders too. There is a difficulty in getting stakeholders in an easier way if there is large competition in the market for the same product and thus efficient promotion is a must. Market communication stands for several promotion techniques and the personal relation with the stake holders. Some of the suggested techniques for Etihad are as follows: Voice mail services: Voice mail can be a very efficient source of the information about the service to the concerned segment. If the people are interested in taking the product, they will definitely want to have all the information that is the correct information about the product. There could a very good option for it that is the voice mail system. There should be voice mail which will be telling all the necessary information about the product which will include the net rates and all the exciting features and offers with the product. Forums, Newsgroups, Bulletin Boards, and Web Communities: On-line buyers not just consume the product but increasingly create product information internet interest groups by sharing product-related information. Online marketing can be done by using forums, newsgroup, and bulletin board related to health care services. (Avaition, 2010) Several promoting Events: As the firm is addressing to higher end costumers only, the company can offer few organizations a kind of tie up so that special discount could be given employees of the organization if they travel from Etihads flight. Alliances: Take the time to join a professional or business organization. These organizations usually have very knowledgeable people who are willing to help you out. It also increases your personal network and allow for larger opportunities. Newsletters: As the concern here is also at maintain the existing clients, sending out newsletters to established customers, new customers, friends, family, and any group you think would be interested in companys product or service (Avaition, 2010) Actions Program The overview of action plan looks as follows: The first step is to consturct an augumented service based on the values and demand in Indian market. This include: Keeping low cost Launchig new aircrafts like Boing 747 and Airbus etc Next Step would be launch separate route that do not exist in Indian market. As we found out from SWOT analysis, the company can see an opportunity in launching fast services which provide non-stop service between important destinations. Next would be to enter the contract with an existing distributor. Next is promotion by TV, Newspaper, and sending of newsletter to existing customers. Coordination with different departments: The step one would be consulted with finance department (to allocate budget) and with operations (to ensure that the services desired in the product are there in the augmented product). For next step, that is launching services on few routes; marketing department will identify the target routes to start with. For entering in contract with distribution channel, operation department holds the right to select the channel which best suits the need of the department. The last step would be addressed by PR department. Budget Tentative budget in the activities are as follows: Activity Estimated Price (US $ per annum) Augmented Product 5 million Additional cost for nonstop services 7 million Distribution services 15 million TV ads 2 million News letter 0.5 million Relationship building (discounts/ tie-ups) 6 million The tentative budget which comes out is around $ 35 million. This is quite affordable price for Etihad. The profit in first year of operation would be less and will increase with course of time as product development, distribution services will costs less in later years. Controls A tight control strategy would be implemented which would be based on customer feedback, sales data analysis, performance evaluation and similar quality management aspects. The key performance indicator would be sales figures and brand equity of the company. The company will maintain close look on both of these aspect to keep itself near to the performance norms.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Education and Computers :: Teaching Technology Essays

Education and Computers It’s hard to imagine a classroom without a computer now days.Computer have become essential for teaching and learning, but is this good or bad?In this paper I would like to discuss the positive and negative ways computers have impacted the education system. There has been many ways in which computers have impacted education.One way is the ability students and teacher have to write a paper using Microsoft word processor. [1]This allows them to save the paper and make corrections without having to rewrite the paper each time a mistake is made.A spelling and grammar check is available at the click of a button to make sure you don’t have and big spelling or grammar mistakes.Though this function doesn’t find typos that are correctly spelled words in the wrong place (for example too or to) it does catch a majority of the problems.There are even programs designed to allow a person to write a paper in one language in one language and then change it to a different language with out knowing the language. There are other software products that help a teacher take inventory of supplies and monitor student’s progress.Microsoft Excel is a very good example to such a product.Excel is a spreadsheet program that allows teacher to keep track of students’ grades without having to do a lot of math.It allows teachers to enter the students’ scores and an equation for calculating the scores then it automatically does the math.This assists the teacher in finding out the students’ progress as an individual and as a group.The teacher can identify strengths and weaknesses from this data and adjust accordingly.The teacher can also see the range of knowledge their students have. In the lower grades educational computer games can be used as a teaching resource.They can serve as a reward or motivation for hard work and good attendance.They can help reinforce the material being taught and in older children computer games can be used to expand on educational concepts.Math Blaster, Sonics ABC’s, and hangman are just a couple of games that can be used in a classroom.Sonics ABC’s and hangman are both games that allow children to simply spell words.In contrast Math Blaster has a plot.In this game the child must collect numbers and solve equations to receive the power to conquer the enemy.Games like these make learning fun and help spark a Childs will to learn.Even the Program Hooked on Phonics © is using computer games to improve their system.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Getting Emotional Essay Essay

There was a time that I had a conversation with a friend who is a foreigner and knew very little about the cultures in the United States. He was basically biased against the black race or the African-American races and spoke about them in a very discriminating manner. He believed that the black race in America is mostly composed of thugs and criminals who are dirty and cannot live the way most white Americans do. Although I didn’t exactly argue with him, I still did to change his beliefs and perceptions on the black race and fortunately, I succeeded. I first started out by telling him the harsh realities that most of the people from this race used to face and are still facing today such as discrimination at work, education, and employment among others. I also pointed out that there are a lot of stories published in major newspapers that show that discrimination against people from other races and cultures are still present today. I shared with him stories of an outstanding student from a public high school who was allegedly not given a scholarship simply because he is black. I also told him of certain cases wherein workers are not given the bonuses and benefits that are due to them because they belong to the black race. In short, I first tried to make him sympathize with the plight of the black race and I believe I was successful in doing so. Moreover, I also told him that since he is an Asian, he too, can also be discriminated against. More importantly, I emphasized to him that these black people are also human beings just like everybody else and therefore, they should be treated the same way white Americans are treated. After our conversation, my friend agreed me with and told me that he would be careful with his perceptions about the black race from now on. Based on my â€Å"persuasive† methods, it can be deduced that the most effective way to convince people or audiences to change their stand or views on a certain issue is to tell them real life stories that they can relate with. These true to life stories can represent the essence of one’s arguments and make one’s claims more credible.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Critical Reflection Essay

Planning to facilitate learning in a clinical setting can be very challenging, having to cope with your busy workload and facilitating at the same time. Throughout this essay I will apply Gibbs (1988) to reflect, on the learning I have had undertaking this module (U44124), my teaching session planned and observed, to comment on the feedback I received from my learners and observer, also how this module has helped me overall. I had undertaken the introduction to mentoring, by attending unit 1 mentor preparation programme in 2006. After attending that one day course, I expressed an interest in doing this module, because, I realised that this form of mentoring of students here in the UK is quite different from what I was accustom to back in my country (Guyana) . The learning style here is also very different, for instance in my country students are allocated to the clinical areas with objectives to practice specific skills, after practicing them first in the classroom. Here in the UK, what I observed, are students do not only come with specific objectives, but with a verity of competencies to achieved, as such, have to have a mentor allocated to them. Before commencing this module, I was unsure how to write a reflective essay. I had no idea of what my learning style was, I never gave much thought to reflection in practice, plus I had never written a teaching plan before. After attending the first two session of this module, I realised I was lacking the skill of reflection in my practice. According to Bulman & Schutz (2004) for one to reflect on past experiences , one has to develop the skill of self awareness, description, critical analysis, syntheses, judgement, and evaluation. I was not certain I understood what critical analysis meant, however during our session of group work, listening to my colleagues ideas and experiences, also our lecturer, I began to get a clear picture of what the term meant. When I returned to work, I began the  experimentation of applying critical analysis to my daily practice. For instance, I observed my learners with keen interest of identifying his or her flaws, give constructive feedback which provide for improvement. For example , saying to my learner we need to work on the accepted way of doing systematic documentation. As well as, identifying my flaws in practice and working toward improvement, such as asking myself what I should have done and what I could do better next time. During my professional nurse training commencing in 1996, I was a student who generally liked to read up on thing first, and found it tricky to do things I did not understood. Doing this module made me realized my learning preference was that of read/write as described by Fleming (2007). The learning style questionnaire given to me by our lecturer, highlighted that I am a reflector. In retrospect to my student days, I remember always taking a back seat and listening to my colleagues before I make a point or answer questions, and constantly giving past and present examples of situation, to emphasize what I meant. With the help of this module, I recognized my reason for being that way, I was lacking the experience of expressing my thoughts verbally. Although, I do reflect on my personal life, I never give much thought to reflecting on my practice. According to Taylor (2000) pg2 â€Å" knowing how to reflect is a process for making sense out of life experiences†. This module taught me how to reflect on my professional practice, for example, at the end of my shift I reviewed what I had undertaken on that day, asked myself was my practice done according to my professional guidelines? NMC code of professional conduct (2002), did I use my judgement in giving care to my patients? Do I need to improve on aspect of my practice? Was I able to identify my flaws? In answering these questions I utilised the SMART criteria, setting myself goals and objectives, and plan interventions for my future professional development. After attending the third session of this module, I was able to compare different models of reflection. I found Gibbs (1988) very straightforward, it assisted me with organising my thoughts in a coherent manner, hence, helping me to plan my learning development as well as my learners. I also  found utilising Gibbs (1988) made it easier for me to encourage my learners to reflect on their past placements. The Atkins & Murphy (1994) in my opinion emphasized a more detailed and complex cycle. I found it to be very time consuming and because of my heavy workload in daily practice it difficult for me to adopt. According to Bulman & Schutz (2000) for me to offer a balanced of support and challenge to my learner I must have experience in reflective practice. While I am developing this skill aided by Gibbs cycle, I am at the same time offering my learners the opportunity to reflect on their practice using this cycle. After qualifying I had the opportunity to mentor students and junior colleagues, because as a qualified nurse in my country I was expected to undertaken this role. It was not the usual practice to write a lesion plan, I had to mentor student according to their objectives. To illustrate this, a final year nurse student would be assigned to the recovery room, and her objectives would be to manage a shift under supervision. As her mentor I ensured she undertook this skill with my guidance. Attending this module has taught me how to write a lesion plan with the guidance of the SMART criteria according to Mentoring (2005). These criteria helped me plan my teaching session to meet my learners learning needs at her specific level (1st year ODP student). Undertaking this module made me give some serious thoughts to my professional body requirements of the role of a facilitator of learning. According to the NMC standard (2006) after successfully completing an NMC approved mentor preparation programme, or a comparable programme (accredited by an AEI as meeting the NMC requirement). I understand I would be responsible and accountable for â€Å"organising and coordinating student learning activities in practice, assessing total performance including skills, attitude and behaviour†, pg17. With the acquired knowledge from this course, I am preparing to meet this challenge. Another method I adopted is Swanwick (1994) non-participant observation method cited in the module reader(2007/2008) where he explained that observing your learner caring for a patient, while you are performing another activity such as attending to another patient. This method of assessment give me the opportunity to  indentified good and not so good practice of my learner enabling me to offer critical as well as constructive feedback. Reflecting on my planned teaching session, I adopted the Peyton (1998) four stage model, because this model best suited my learner’s level, which we both agreed upon. In my initial assessment of my learners we established a professional relationship, whereby, we discussed timing of her placement ( not being late for practice), dress code (jewellery not recommended), breaks (timing), and explaining to her all of this would contribute to her developing professionally. Following that, I established a baseline of her knowledge and skills level, which was she possessed basic knowledge and skills at her level (1st year ODP student), this we both agreed upon. I also give her a copy of the learning style questionnaire by Honey & Mumford (1986) to complete. On completion of the questionnaire we both realized that she was a theorist, which was different from my learning style (read/write). If I had not done this module I may have found it difficult to adjust to her learning style, however, because I read about the different theories I understood how to adjust to her learning style to meet her learning needs. There are some similarities with Study et al (1994) and Peyton (1998) models of teaching. Both involve demonstration which I found suited my learners needs, these models allowed for demonstration of skills by teacher and learner, added to that, they provide for visual observations. For my teaching session, I choose a topic relevant to my place of work, as well as for my learner, it was included in her objectives. I did a short lecture with direct questioning , since this method give my learner and the group ( senior nurses from my department), the opportunity to listen, participate with discussion and ask questions. I applied demonstration as an activity to make the lesion interesting, as well as giving the every one present the opportunity to see and practice the skill correctly. According to Quinn (1995) â€Å"demonstration is a visualised explanation of facts, concepts, and procedure designed to show the learner why things happen†. I discussed and  demonstrated slowly and clearly to my learner/group, how to safely and accurately applied oxygen delivery devices (face mask, nasal canola, tracheotomy mask, mask with reservoir bag, non re-breather mask) to patients admitted to recovery room. For this demonstration I outlined patient scenarios and involved my learner/group. Quinn (2000) explained that skills should be taught slowly in correct sequence and there should be no variation in techniques. Referring to the hospital policy for the application of oxygen delivery devices, I employed direct questioning as a learning method for my learner/group as they participated in the demonstration of the skill taught. AS I observed my learner/group performing the skill ,I assessed for confidence for example, Skill being done without displaying nervousness, correctness such as, the nasal canula applied in the right way, knowledge for example, explanation as the skill is being practice, judgement such as, the amount of oxyg en that can be administered, and professionalism such as, perfection in doing the skill. At the end of the session, I revisited the learning outcomes to evaluate the teaching session, ensuring my learner/group was able to: 1. Discuss the local hospital policy about the use of oxygen delivery devices on patients in the recovery room. 2. Identified the six types of oxygen delivery devices used in the recovery room. 3. Demonstrate how to safely and accurately apply the six types of oxygen delivery devices on patient in the recovery room. 4. State the amount of oxygen that can be administered through each type of delivery devices to patients admitted to the recovery room with various oxygen therapy needs. Additionally, I encourage my learner/group to give me verbal feedback by asking questions, such as, name the six types of oxygen delivery devices, and what is the hospital policy for the application of oxygen delivery devices used in the recovery room? The feedback I received from my observer in my opinion was honest feedback. I agreed with her as she highlighted that I work best with one on one or small groups. I found large group intimidating. After completing the three days session of this module, I began to develop the courage to teach larger groups, for example I would prepare a lesion and gather a few of my  colleagues at work and practice different teaching methods. One such is the Studdy et al (1994) where I identified a problem in a patient case scenario and have group discussions, involving a skill and practice sessions. Giving verbal feedback in the end , I found this very helpful because I am beginning to feel comfortable with more persons present at my teaching sessions. One positive feedback from observer, was I worked well with learners. The reason for this, I applied my theoretical knowledge gained undertaking this module, more with my learners during facilitating and also in my daily practice. I reassured and encourage my learners to approach me at any time on matters of concern she may have. Jarvis & Gibson(1997 said â€Å" for a new entrant to progress through their experiences they required a considerable amount of personal support†. This is one of my action plans for my learners. The feedback I received from my learner/group has given me the opportunity to identified my flaws in teaching, such as, one evaluation highlighted that I should prepare more handouts for my teaching sessions plus I could start my teaching with a small quiz. Another suggested, if I do not know the answer to a question, encourage my learner to do research or both of us incorporate this together. I thought the feedback were constructive feedback, because it help me to think of action plans to improve in those areas. Overall this module of facilitating and assessing workplace/placement learning has increased my theoretical knowledge of reflection on practice and has definitely prepared to teach, mentor student and junior colleagues. To illustrate this, I constantly observed my learners in practice, evaluating and offering constructive feedback. As I make my observations, I recognized how helpful this module has been to me, because I am slowly developing the skill of critical analysis. When my learner performed a skill, and I spot a flaw in her performance, I am now able to examined my teaching methods, noting perhaps where I shortfall and come up with action plan for improvement. When she performed well I give on the spot feedback such as, saying to her well done and I observed that those statement encourage her enthusiasm and increased her confidence. When I did give  critical feedback, I did it tactfully for example, making statement like you are doing good documentation, but we need to work on this some more to ensure you are doing it to the recommended standard. Working through the module workbook(2007/2008) I was ready to applied different styles of teaching, such as demonstration, incorporated researched involving my learner and I. Applying different method of assessment such as non-participant, visual observation, questioning and listening. As a new practice facilitator there is still room for improvement in my facilitating ability as well as, my reflection skill. I endeavour to give support and practical help to my learners and junior colleagues. I was always ready to give advice, but this module has encouraged me to also give constructive feedback. Applying Hinchliff (1999) when I am assessing a learner for the first time I also find out what the learner knows, then incorporate this knowledge to form the basis of a learning contract. On Conclusion, Gibbs (1988) reflective cycle has helped me tremendously, it is so systematic I applied it to every situation in my daily practice. I am managing to think about my feelings in a situation, evaluate what was good and bad, what I should or could have done better, make action plan using the SMART criteria. I employed it with all my learners, encouraging them to develop the skill of reflection on practice. Personally, I am still working on developing the analysis aspect of the cycle which I know is achievable with constant practice. Knowing my learning style has helped me to understand why I work and learn the way I do, also assisted me to work effectively with my learners. The evidence of this, everyone has a different learning style and as a new practice facilitator after attending this module, I have a clear understanding of adopting different style of teaching and learning, For example, applying Peyton (1998), Studdy et al (1994), utilising the general strategies and framework for teaching skills, all of which I incorporated to help me developed professionally. Examining the NMC standard of facilitating and assessing placement learning, I am aware of the fact that I would be responsible for assistance of signing off student competencies, as such, I endeavour to keep my knowledge and skills updated. Developing the skill of facilitating workplace learning with the help of attending this course has given me a great deal of satisfaction in helping students and junior colleagues achieved their competencies, thus , making them safe and  confident to practice. I hope to become a practice teacher in the future and planning to undertake the module to achie ve this. I would be happy to be able to help young intelligent minds achieve their gold and career aspirations. Finally, critical reflection needs to be practice on a daily basis for one to master it. Its not just reflection, one must be able to identify the good, the bad, and the indifference of past experiences and compare plus improve in every aspect. This module has contributed to my professional developments a practitioner. I am no longer unsure about what reflection on practice mean and as such, I am prepared to facilitate and assess placement learning to students, ,junior colleagues and new staff.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Aspern Papers Essays

The Aspern Papers Essays The Aspern Papers Essay The Aspern Papers Essay This obsession results in arrogance and greed, consuming the Narrator and leading to his ultimate regret. I. The Balance of Value and Privacy There is little reason to think that this story is meant to highlight the balance between value and privacy. Although the Narrator and his partner find great value in the works of Jeffrey Aspire, there is very little indication that others share in this desire to see the works. In fact, the Narrator himself mentions, after referring to Aspire as a God, that he and his partner had recognized IM most. 1 Additionally, Mrs.. Preset knew nothing of the significance of Miss Bordeaux in spite of having lived in Venice for 15 years. Mrs.. Preset also recognizes the Narrators obsession when mentioning that the Narrator appeared to be seeking the answer to the riddle of the universe. 2 This is not to say that Jeffrey Aspire is not well known or that his papers would not have been sought by others Miss Bordeaux mentions he was all the fashion3 when she was young but it is unlikely that his desire to make the papers public potentially justifies his deception. Not only is there a lack of reason to believe that the papers hold great value to others, there is little reason to think that privacy considerations of Miss Bordeaux are meant to be compelling. There is an expectation of privacy with matters and documents that individuals choose to keep private, if even for the simple fact that they should have the ability to do so. This is especially true of valuables and personal mementos. However, James downplays the importance of the papers being kept secret. Although Tina mentions that Miss Bordeaux loves them4 and is Very fond f them,5 she says nothing to imply that Miss Bordeaux would be particularly upset if others had read the papers. In fact, Tina reveals that Miss Bordeaux fondly talked Of Aspire twenty years ago and Tina mentions that she did not believe anything in the papers would be painful to Miss Bordeaux. Although Miss Bordeaux likely knew for a considerable time that the Narrator was scheming to get the papers, she presents him with the portrait of Aspire. She knows that showing him the portrait will only increase the danger of the papers being taken, which indicates that concealing the papers was not the most important consideration for her. Rather, it seems that Miss Borderlands primary motivation in her dealings with the Narrator is to acquire as much pecuniary profit as possible. The Narrator remarks multiple times that her interest in money was off-putt Eng, mentioning that he couldnt get used to the idea that this vision of pecuniary profit was most what drew out the divine Juliann. 6 Additionally, after Miss Bordeaux dies, Tina mentions that she believes Miss Bordeaux meant to tell her that she would have approved of the Narrator having the papers if he married Tina. Miss Bordeaux is not concerned with keeping the papers hidden for her privacy, but instead she keeps them hidden because she does not want to give anything away freely that she could instead use to enhance her financial standing and Titans wellbeing. Although we can not be sure of Miss Borderlands intent, James absolutely fails to highlight the importance to Miss Bordeaux that the papers be kept secret. Lastly, James leaves little question as to whether the Narrators actions are warranted. The Narrator himself admits that he is sorry for the hypocrisy and duplicity that he must engage in, UT that he has no other option than to continue his course. He does not attempt to use the need for the papers as a justification of his actions, but merely the reason for them. The Narrators actions are clearly objectionable, as evidenced by his thoughts that he could sleep with Tina to mask his deception and that he enjoyed the idea that Miss Bordeaux could die at any moment, giving him the opportunity to pounce on her possessions. 7 The lack of known value of the papers, the lack of showing that their revelation would cause harm, and the obviousness that the Narrators actions are unethical indicate that it was not James intent for the reader to struggle with whether or not the Narrator is validated in seeking the papers by deception. However, most readers still sympathize with the publishing sco undrel. 8 II. The Curse of Obsession While driven by his obsession, leading him to deceive and attempt to steal, the Narrator fails in the very way he feared he might upon arriving at the home. As he predicts, it leaves him without another arrow/ for his bow. This defeat, and the reason we feel so connected to the Narrator in his quest s likely what led James to remark in the preface that he might have looked up Miss Claremont had he known of her whereabouts and he luckily not had to deal with the difficult option. 10 Although the Narrator overcomes nearly every obstacle along the way, he does so at significant cost. Because the Narrator misreads Miss Borderlands and Titans abilities, he thinks he is being cunning and deceptive, all the while falling into Miss Borderlands traps. Initially, he desires to be housed by Miss Bordeaux, however he pays roughly 10 times the value of the lodging. He also desires to be seen by her, which exults in purchasing additional flowers for the garden. Later, he wishes to see a portrait of Aspire and makes that known to Tina. Subsequently, Miss Bordeaux presents the portrait in the garden but keeps it from his possession. At each of these obstacles, he pays greatly or provides information about his motives and plans without gaining significant information in return. Miss Bordeaux does not show him the portrait because he wants to see it, but because she wants him to see it. Has he no reason to think that Tina made his request known to Miss Bordeaux and she knew that he was seeking the papers? He absolutely does, but he is unable to look past the urge to obtain the papers and see that he faces a true adversary in Miss Bordeaux. Not only does each victory cost the Narrator greatly, he also suffers when finally achieving his goals. At the very beginning of the story he mentions to Mrs.. Preset that he had been unable to touch the hands of someone Aspire had touched or look into a single pair of eyes into which his had looked. 1 1 He ends up beholding Miss Borderlands extraordinary eyes at the cost Of being caught in the act of trying to find the papers and being horribly ashamed. 2 In the end, he acquires the portrait of Aspire that he wanted, however it represents a very painful memory, such that whenever he looks at it he can scarcely bear [his] loss. 13 What he has lost is perhaps the most debated topic of the story. The Narrator overcomes all of the obstacles he faced in his quest to get the papers, however when presented with the opportunity to discover them, he is unab le to meet the request of marrying Tina. All of his work and deception has led him to the very moment where all he needs to do is accept, but he slips. Are the papers the loss he IS referring to? Or is it perhaps the opportunity to marry Tina? Many possibilities can be offered as the reason for his loss, which is why the Narrator clarifies to the reader that he is referring to the papers. Regardless of the reason for his loss, the reflection and honest statement that he can scarcely bare the loss makes it clear that he has suffered greatly through these endeavors. But shouldnt we view this as him getting his just deserts? Although he acts badly in attempting to acquire the papers, James makes it clear that the Narrator is not a bad person generally.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Country study (China) Case Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Country (China) - Case Study Example ..6 1. Executive Summary Victory State Bank is a banking organization located in the United States of America in New York. Having expanded considerably, the organization has decided to set up a new shop in China in order expand its market and attract new customers. Therefore, the report examines different factors that will have to be considered in order to establish the viability of the area. The report will also examine the specific details that will be considered while entering the country 2. Introduction A number of factors need to be examined by an organization when it decides to venture a new market. This will especially be when the organization is venturing anew country altogether. Unlike opening a shop in the same country, opening in a different country might require the organization to change some factors in its setting. In this case, factors that will be examined include the mode of entry, the human resources, and the marketing and distribution strategies. Generally, these a re factors that will affect the overall operation of the newly opened shop. 3. Recommendations on how to enter the country 3.0Mode of entry The mode of entry that should be applied is the exporting mode. Exporting the services to the China people will attract them much easier and quicker. In addition, this is a cheap mode of entry since it involves very few expenses and costs. Exporting mode of entry is usually known to attract customers easily because the products or services have been brought closer to the customers’ location and thus, customers can easily access the services or products (Sun,  H., & University of Sydney, 1996). Therefore, this is a method that will require fewer advertisements and promotions as compared to the importing method. However, the method will have a disadvantage of competition. Victory State Bank will have to face stiff competition from the banks that have already been established in China. 3.1 Human Resources Victory State Bank will have to em ploy more staff members that can converse in Chinese fluently (Bailey, 2007). These will help in improving the mode of communication with the new customers. The selected management for the new branch will also have to be made of persons that are fully conversant with the culture and the political environment of the country. Thus, they will know how to solve matters concerning licensing and establishment fees. The organization might also have to employ some people from its country of origin instead of employing all its employees from China (Sun,  H., & University of Sydney, 1996). This will enable the organization to create employment in the country thus, creating a positive image for itself. Therefore, the mode of staffing used will mainly be geocentric, because while some crucial services require employees from the home country, others will use employees from the new country. The payment will still be constant since cases of increases in payments might lead to increased expenses. However, the organization will have to ensure effective training of the employees in order to ensure quality services. 3.2 Marketing The target market of the organization will be mainly business entities dealing with large sums of money, because they demand banking services highly (Beckwith,  1997). However, the organization will also target private individuals that demand banking

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Political science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Political science - Essay Example A country who practices isolationism believes in both of the following approaches: 1. Non-interventionism - Political rulers take decisions of not making alliances with other countries and not to fight against any country except to fight for the self defense. 2. Protectionism - Legal barriers are set to avoid foreign investors and cultural impact on local people. However United States also adopted Isolationism in 18th century by a memorable speech of George Washington in which he said that â€Å"The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations, is in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible.† His speech was the foundation of Isolationism in United States of America and the country followed this approach for more than 100 hundred years. Before the beginning of World War II, the Crash of 1929 was a big economic set back for American government to re-think about its foreign policy of non-interventionism. Howeve r, the World War II was the major fear for America to drop its isolationism and jumped to help the rest of the world.